Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hester's Pregnancy Progress Photos

I'm starting this post so I can show Hester's weekly pregnancy progress.  We decided to start taking photos at week 8 so hopefully I'll have a photo a week until our baby comes :)

Ding Dong Ditch Dog

I've heard of leaving a baby on someone's door step, but a dog? Hester called me at work to tell me that someone had left a dog on our doorstep. It happened sometime between me leaving for work that morning and Hester going out to check the mail that afternoon. Since Hester has wanted a dog since we've been married, I naturally began to wonder if she staged an elaborate hoax to persuade me into keeping a dog. After some reassurance I finally believed her and laughed at our situation. She took care of the dog until I got home after work that evening.