Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scott Turkington Homer Alaska McDonald 1990 Super Bowl XXIV Commercial

Video of the Super Bowl Commercial Below
In 1990, McDonalds decided to shoot a Super Bowl commercial in my home town of Homer Alaska.  My Uncle Jim, who was living with our family after college caught wind of the casting call.  He decided to pack me and my siblings up in the car and head down for an Audition at the Heritage Hotel in downtown Homer.  For what ever reason, out of all of us, I got a call back for a second audition. 

Hester's Surprise Baby Shower

Hester and I were able to make a trip Home for Christmas to spend the holidays with family.  I thought it would be fun to throw her a surprise baby shower so I called my sister and ask her for her help.  Together with my Mother, the two of them planned a "Cookie Exchange" party as a ruse to keep the whole thing a secret from Hester.  A few days after arriving in Alaska, Hester woke up the day of the "Cookie Exchange" to my Mom making several different cookies and finger foods for the party.  An hour or two before the party was to start, I took Hester out to go shopping for some Alaska inspired baby clothing.