Friday, December 3, 2010

No ding dong :) It's a GIRL!

Well, its official, we found out today that we're having a girl.  Hester's Mom asked us a month or two ago whether or not we wanted the baby to have a ding dong or no ding dong haha!  We now have our answer :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Grandparents and the Legacy They Leave Behind

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Carolyn with a whole crew
of family over at their house for a family dinner
I've always cherished the time I spent with my Grandparents.  On my Dad's side, My Grandpa Bob is my last living Grandparent.  My Grandpa Elton on my mother's side passed some years ago. My two Grandmothers both passed this last year.  Each of them made an incredibly powerful impressions on me throughout my life.  They're just one of the reasons Alaska is such a special place for me.  Even as an adult, I feel like a child every time I revisit the memories of my youth.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life after a Car Wreck - State Farm Claim

Well, it's been almost 2 years now since Hester was T-Boned from a careless State Farm driver.  The accident has changed our lives in so many ways.  For one, Hester's health is not what it used to be.  When I first met my wife, she was vivacious and full of life. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I like to do it 6 times a week and on Sunday's if I'm lucky...

Perhaps your hobby is collecting
antique lamps several days a week? :)
Breast Cancer Awareness "I like it on the _____"

For those of you who recently saw suggestive "I like it on the ____ " quotes on your mothers, sisters, cousin's profiles, fear not, it's all been for a good cause.  The viral campaign to raise Breast Cancer Awareness has spread like wild fire on Facebook. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Baby's Heartbeat Week 9

We borrowed a Baby Heart Beat Doppler from my brother and sister in law when we found out we were pregnant.  Until this week we hadn't heard anything.  Tonight however, Hester was able to dial in on the faint swooshing of the baby's heart.  It's pretty weak and she wasn't able to stay on it very long.  I looped the best part and tried to clean it up as best I could.  If you turn your speakers up loud enough you should be able to hear it :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hester's Pregnancy Progress Photos

I'm starting this post so I can show Hester's weekly pregnancy progress.  We decided to start taking photos at week 8 so hopefully I'll have a photo a week until our baby comes :)

Ding Dong Ditch Dog

I've heard of leaving a baby on someone's door step, but a dog? Hester called me at work to tell me that someone had left a dog on our doorstep. It happened sometime between me leaving for work that morning and Hester going out to check the mail that afternoon. Since Hester has wanted a dog since we've been married, I naturally began to wonder if she staged an elaborate hoax to persuade me into keeping a dog. After some reassurance I finally believed her and laughed at our situation. She took care of the dog until I got home after work that evening.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Official :)

We've got some big news to share, but before scrolling down, watch the video :)  Click the "Read More" link to continue to the rest of this post.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Save The Planet & Save Some Money: Refillable Ink Cartridges

Most of us have a printer at home, and if you're like me you HATE having to buy new ink cartridges.  Not only are they expensive, but they're usually a rip off also.  Here's a few tips I've learned to help save $$$ and help the environment at the same time.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

iPad Caricature - by Brandon Allen

My friend Brandon Allen ( found a fun new use for his iPad. Hester and I went down one weekend to watch him in action. I filmed while Hester modeled and he took the footage and put this video together.

His video got mentioned on

The Kind Old Woman Who Made Me Smile

Before you scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the picture, you really should read this entire post. I think you'll appreciate the photo more once you've read the whole thing.

I came down to Missouri several years ago to help my cousin with his alternative fuel company. Every day I would drive to my cousins shop for work and at least once or twice a month, I would see a little old lady walking rain or shine. She obviously lived somewhere near by because she was always coming or going in my neighborhood. What struck me most about her was she was always dressed in fairly "hip" clothing for her age. Everything usually coordinated and matched, and was always crisp and ironed. Often times she wore a cute little hat that matched what ever outfit she was wearing. Aside from that, she always pulled a small little cart which contained what ever she was taking on her journey for the day. I guess she always caught my eye because not many people walk these days. We all drive cars, or bike, or take some mode of public transportation. I guess with my love for alternative fuels, I was really impressed by this elderly woman who would walk everywhere she went. Perhaps her walking might explain why she was so skinny and fit. All of these little observations managed to put a smile on my face every time I saw her.

Hello World :)

Well, I did it, I started a blog...

I've thought about starting one about a dozen times or more over the years but I just never got around to it. For those of you who know me, you'll know that I love to tell stories. If you know that much, you probably also know that when I start to tell a story, it's hard to shut me up. Well, now I can tell my stories, and those that want to listen/read can, and those that don't, well... they're just missing out!
I'm going to call this blog layout Version 1.0. It's not really 100% what I want, but it'll get me started for now.