Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hester's Surprise Baby Shower

Hester and I were able to make a trip Home for Christmas to spend the holidays with family.  I thought it would be fun to throw her a surprise baby shower so I called my sister and ask her for her help.  Together with my Mother, the two of them planned a "Cookie Exchange" party as a ruse to keep the whole thing a secret from Hester.  A few days after arriving in Alaska, Hester woke up the day of the "Cookie Exchange" to my Mom making several different cookies and finger foods for the party.  An hour or two before the party was to start, I took Hester out to go shopping for some Alaska inspired baby clothing.  Around the time all of the ladies were to arrive at the house for the "Cookie Exchange", I told Hester we might as well head home to say hi to my Aunts who were supposed to be there.  When we arrived, she had new clue that the entire party was in her honor.  It wasn't until the shock of seeing her friend Anna, who had moved back to Alaska from Missouri that she finally figured out what was going on.  Weeks of planning payed off and it was alot of fun to see her reaction. 
Complete Baby Shower/Alaska Trip Photo Album:
I just want to THANK all of the ladies who came to the shower, or got us gifts, to support Hester and I.  We can't thank you enough.  When I first heard that Hester and I were having a baby, I must admit, although planned, it was still a surprise.  I never thought it would happen so quickly!  Over the last 5 months there’s been some really great milestones.  Seeing Hester’s belly grow, seeing our daughter for the first time in an ultrasound, feeling and seeing her kick for the first times.  Receiving your gifts is just another one of these milestones that strengthens the realization that we will soon be parents.
To all of you who made it to Hester’s Surprise Baby Shower, and to those who couldn’t make it but left us a gift, THANK YOU!  Although Hester and I are currently living in Missouri, I still feel like Alaska is Home.  You’ve helped make Alaska feel like Hester’s Home away from home as well.  Words can’t thank you enough for taking the time to pick out such wonderful gifts, and for venturing out on a dark winter night to make her feel so special.  I only wish we had more time up there to thank you in person.  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
